Your donation will help us to:
- help other local organisations who need volunteer recruitment and training
- help young people to gain skills to prepare them for volunteering or work
- reach isolated people in the community
- run projects that bring different generations together to learn from each other and build their communities.
To make a donation to Evesham Volunteer Centre you can:
- click the button in the right hand column to donate online
- give a personal cheque made payable to ‘Evesham Volunteer Centre’ and fill in a form so we can claim Gift Aid on it
- make a cash donation and fill in a form so we can claim Gift Aid on it
- fundraise for us by organising a local event
- visit our charity stall at local events
- set up a standing order with your bank if you would like to make a regular contribution. We will send you our bank details if you email us.
- leave a legacy to Evesham Volunteer Centre in your Will (download Age UK’s factsheet).
Thank you on behalf of Evesham Volunteer Centre and our beneficiaries!